Garden News (UK)

How can I control woodlice around my garden shrubs?

Christina Wa s, by email


Stefan says: Welcome to the club! I always think my garden must be some sort of woodlouse heaven because we seem to provide a home to a fair proportion of the national population. I can’t put down a tub or plank of wood for more than couple of days before a small army of the creatures appears underneath. But in a way, I take this as a compliment because they’re attracted, not just by cool, damp conditions, but also by the presence of organic matter.

You wonder about controllin­g them. You can buy a woodlice killer powder for dusting that contains permethrin, but I wouldn’t recommend this around your shrubs where the woodlice will be doing no harm and will help to break down organic matter in the soil.

 ??  ?? Woodlice are a gardener’s friend, helping to break down organic ma er
Woodlice are a gardener’s friend, helping to break down organic ma er

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