Garden News (UK)

Send in your pics of British wildlife!


The public is being encouraged to send in pictures of wildlife from across Britain to feature on the cover of a report on the health of UK nature. The document from the Environmen­tal Audit Committee is due to be published in spring and will address plans to secure the health of ‘biodiversi­ty and ecosystems’.

The fragile state of biodiversi­ty has been brought into sharp focus with recent documentar­ies by Sir David Attenborou­gh and fears the UK will fail to meet biodiversi­ty targets. Images for the competitio­n entries can be recent or taken from existing sources. While the winning photograph will grace the report’s cover, runners-up will have their pictures featured inside the report alongside the committee’s recommenda­tions for how to best protect the future of biodiversi­ty in the UK.

 ??  ?? An o er in Norfolk gets ready to strike a pose
An o er in Norfolk gets ready to strike a pose

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