Garden News (UK)



It’s and fun to grow carrots in different shapes and soil. January, you can start sowing early varieties such as ‘Adelaide’ under cloches, fleece or in cold frames. Sow them thinly in a 1cm (½in) deep drill, 30cm sowing too have to do a racts carrot

 ??  ?? both easy
colours in a rich, loose From late (1ft) apart. Avoid thick, otherwise you’ll alot of thinning out, which fly. If you have a small garden and you want to do something different, try sowing shortroote­d varieties such as ‘Nantes’ or ‘Amsterdam’ in containers.
both easy colours in a rich, loose From late (1ft) apart. Avoid thick, otherwise you’ll alot of thinning out, which fly. If you have a small garden and you want to do something different, try sowing shortroote­d varieties such as ‘Nantes’ or ‘Amsterdam’ in containers.

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