Garden News (UK)

What happens in a plant during hardening off?

Jack Foster, by email


Stefan says: Hardening off is the process of gradually accustomin­g a plant to outdoor conditions. Plants are made up of many tiny cells and, when these are examined, those of plants from a greenhouse are seen to be large with very thin walls. By contrast, plants that have been hardened off have smaller, thicker-walled cells. These smaller, tougher cells can resist having water withdrawn from them and the collapse of the tissues that this causes.

For hardening off, I adopt a threeweek cold frame routine. In the first week, after removing seed trays or plants from the greenhouse, I close up the frame at night and leave it half open in the daytime. In the second and third weeks, I leave it fully open in the daytime and half open at night.

 ??  ?? A cold frame is a good piece of kit to have for hardening off your plants
A cold frame is a good piece of kit to have for hardening off your plants

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