Garden News (UK)



■ Choose a sunny position with soil that holds onto moisture well but isn’t prone to waterloggi­ng. Mix some compost and grit into the bottom of your planting holes if your soil is very heavy.

■ Plant daffodils at a depth equal to the height of three bulbs to encourage good flowering year after year.

■ When planting in pots, make sure the containers are raised off the ground during winter to allow excess water to escape.

■ Grow daffodils in containers in a John Innes soil-based compost and mix a good handful of grit into each pot to provide extra drainage.

■ Make sure you only plant firm, healthy-looking bulbs and choose the biggest ones possible in order to get the most impressive flowers.

■ In the garden, space daffodils at least 10cm apart, or 8cm for miniatures. In pots you can get away with planting a little bit closer to ensure a full display but never have the bulbs touching each other.

■ Plant in groups to create big blocks of colour rather than sparse displays of the odd bulb here and there. This way you can just prepare one large planting hole and space out the bulbs on the soil surface before filling it in.

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