Garden News (UK)



As they say, ‘if you only plant one thing, make it a tree’! Wildlifefr­iendly, colourful and full of long-term character, trees are essential garden plants. Here’s how to get them going… 1 Dig a hole three times as wide as the rootball of your tree, and at the same depth. Loosen the soil in this area to improve drainage, and improve texture with organic matter such as compost. A sprinkling of Rootgrow may help establishm­ent at this point. Before planting, whether in a pot or bare-root, soak the rootball of the tree by standing it in a bucket for half an hour to loosen it.

2 Tease and loosen the rootball, particular­ly if it’s a rootbound container tree. If it’s rootbound, a trim of congested roots may help. Place the rootball in the planting hole, ensuring the top of where the roots meet the trunk is level with the soil surface. If planted any deeper, there’ll be less air flow to the roots and therefore heighten the risk of disease or poor establishm­ent.

3 Insert a stake at this point if needed, then refill the planting hole carefully, ensuring there are no gaps or air pockets in the soil anywhere. Firm down the soil and make sure the tree is sturdy and stable in its hole. Water well.

4 Use a plastic tree guard or a spiral of chicken wire to stop any nibblers such as deer or rabbits getting at the bottom of the trunk, and then give your tree a top layer of mulch of composted bark – make sure no mulch is touching the trunk.

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 ?? ?? Some trees may need staking
Some trees may need staking
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