Garden News (UK)

Did earthworms kill my primroses this year?

Jennie Wootton, by email


Stefan says: The earthworms won’t be the cause of the death of your plants. In a highly organic soil, with a very high worm population, I suppose they might move the soil so much that the roots were disturbed, but it’s far more likely the plants were killed by a soil pest, probably vine weevils, and that the earthworms have simply been attracted by the rotten roots.

Apart from some species of earthworms being the bane of greenkeepe­rs’ lives by producing soil casts, no species of earthworm causes any harm and most are extraordin­ary beneficial, in fact crucial, to gardens and the wider environmen­t. They aerate the soil, they break down organic matter and, of course, they provide food for many birds and other creatures.

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