Garden News (UK)

Exciting nerines and amarines


The nerines and amarines we were hoping to include in last year’s autumn Gardening with Carol Klein for Channel 5 sadly didn’t arrive until after we’d finished filming. They were potted up and have been growing strongly all year and during the last few weeks have been sending out tall, strong stems topped with sumptuous, iridescent, lily-like flowers. The surface of the petals literally sparkles, perhaps due to conical cells on their surface that reflect light. Most striking is amarine ‘Tomoko’, with deep pink flowers and dark stems. Amarines are the result of a cross between Nerine bowdenii – the hardiest of these glorious South African bulbs – and Amaryllis belladonna, also South African and sometimes called the Cape lily. Combining the best qualities of both plants, the hardiness of the nerine and the stature and glamour of the amaryllis, they have to be one of the most exciting and exuberant sights of autumn. Easy to grow in well-drained soil and a sunny, sheltered position, like many bulbs from similar habitats they don’t need extra nutrients. Plant them with their shoulders and necks above soil level.

 ?? ?? Amarines are a joyful sight in autumn
Amarines are a joyful sight in autumn

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