Garden News (UK)

my gardening DIARY



Our succulents have done very well this year, not surprising­ly since they’ve been under cover in the greenhouse in full light. Unlike many other plants, they revelled in the excessivel­y hot and sunny weather. Now that temperatur­es are dropping and light levels are lower, we’re withdrawin­g water altogether; plants just need to tick over until spring.


Taking out all the old, flowered wood from a deutzia that’s become congested, leaving only strong new shoots that hopefully will flower well next year. It would have been better to prune it straight after flowering but it’s not too late.


The arrival of the first redwings is poignant. When we hear the first familiar twittering­s as a small flock roosts in our giant ash tree, the sound promotes a feeling of reassuranc­e, of ancient patterns repeated.


I was weeding one of our veg troughs where borage and white foxgloves have seeded freely, but as the sun’s rays lit up the surface the colours of both flowers and foliage of plants within it took on a startling brilliance.


Sowing home-collected seed of eryngiums and echinacea, which have the same flower and seed structure; a cone or pillar surrounded by the petals or bracts. The seeds can be pushed off carefully with a pencil or chopstick straight onto the surface of seed compost in a half seed tray. Cover with grit and firm down gently. Water by standing the tray in shallow water, then put in the brightest, warmest spot you have.


Now that marginals around our little pond are dying down, there’s a chance to do battle with the duckweed that’s presently covering the entire surface of the water.


Leaves of our cotinus ‘Grace’ and the acer ‘Ōsakazuki’ are giving the garden a flaming finale. The reds of their leaves are very different but equally fiery.

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