Garden News (UK)

How to get the most from your propagator


■ Thoroughly clean seed trays and propagator lids before use, ideally using a disinfecta­nt such as Jeyes Fluid. Not only will a good wash eliminate overwinter­ing pests and diseases, but a clean propagator lid will maximise light transmissi­on, which is essential for healthy growth of seedlings.

■ If compost has been stored in a cold greenhouse or shed, bring it indoors 24 hours before sowing so it warms to room temperatur­e.

■ Fill trays or pots with quality seed and cuttings compost. It’ll contain the optimum balance of nutrients to help seeds germinate, while retaining the right level of moisture to ensure seeds don’t rot.

■ Overwateri­ng seedlings (as well as sowing too densely) in propagator­s can lead to damping

off, where seedlings rot and keel over. There’s a higher risk of damping off when sowing early in the year, as the fungi responsibl­e thrive when light levels are low and compost temperatur­es are cooler.

■ Don’t overwater seeds and seedlings in propagator­s. Lightly misting the surface of the compost will suffice. Use tap water on seeds and seedlings, and never water from a water butt, which can contain pathogens.

■ If your propagator has vents, keep them closed until seeds have germinated. Check daily and once seedlings emerge, open the vents by day, eventually removing the lid. Better air circulatio­n helps to reduce the risk of damping off during the critical period when seedlings are putting down roots.

■ If seedlings become too leggy (tall and spindly), remove propagator lids in the morning and replace them at night.

 ?? ?? Thoroughly clean trays and lids before using your propagator
Thoroughly clean trays and lids before using your propagator
 ?? ?? Use quality seed compost and sow evenly
Use quality seed compost and sow evenly

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