BBC Gardeners’ World Magazine

Not so fantastic plastic


I was uncharacte­ristically enamoured by some small and realistic artificial flower baskets on sale at my local garden centre and made a hasty decision to buy a couple to add instant, maintenanc­e-free colour to my garden. My first regret came when I observed unsuspecti­ng bees and other pollinatin­g insects landing on the colourful flowers only to be forced to fly off, leaving my garden in search of the real thing. The justificat­ion for my guilt was totally confirmed after reading August issue’s Tales from Titchmarsh in which Alan (quite rightly) attacked the use of plastic and popularity of non-natural garden ‘plants’. So, I’m proud to say my brief venture into introducin­g non-organic things into my garden is over. The baskets will be replaced by the real thing and consigned to the bin (that is the recycling bin of course).

Richard Stanley, York

Do away with the spray

I so agree with Alan ( Tales from Titchmarsh,

August issue) about how gross spray-dyed heathers look. Nature gives us a wonderful range of colours; why would we want anything else? I remember when I first saw heathers sprayed a vibrant, unnatural blue at a market stall I felt it was cruelty to plants – I can’t even bare to look at them now. I am glad he has voiced this opinion – perhaps those who dye plants will realise they have no need to.

Sylvia Monk, Hants

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