BBC Gardeners’ World Magazine

The Sussex Trug


The Sussex Trug is a traditiona­l gardening tool that is probably more cherished than any other item in the tool shed. It is the perfect gift that will be used and last a lifetime to EULQJ KRPH WKH JDUGHQ SURGXFH 7KHUH DUH ĆYH VL]HV 1RèV DQG IRU JDUGHQ SURGXFH DQG WKH 'DIIRGLO IRU WKH ćRZHU JURZHU 0\ 7UXJV KDYH UHFHQWO\ EHHQ SRSXODULVH­G E\ featuring on several TV gardening and cooking programmes, the smaller sizes being ideal DV D NLWFKHQ UHFHSWDFOH IRU KHUEV VSLFHV HJJV HWF 7KH 1R VKRZQ KHUH LV LQFKHV [ inches (53cm x 30cm for those who went to school after me) for just £38.80 + p&p. My Trugs are individual­ly signed, dated, stamped and guaranteed for a lifetime. Perhaps the answer as a gift for someone who has everything! Visit our website for more informatio­n, or phone your order anytime quoting GW for a 10% discount.

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