BBC Gardeners’ World Magazine

Trendwatch 2021: a gardening year of health and wildness


Gardens are our stress busters, so soothing colours are very on trend this year. “I’m doing 50 shades of green at the moment, with splashes of calming but uplifting mauve and berry,” says designer Jo Thompson. “We all need calm and solace.”

We’re also inspired to garden greener: wild gardens and permacultu­re (sustainabl­e food growing) are among the 10 hottest hashtags on social media, analysed by Evergreen Garden Care. Look out too for growing ideas for small spaces – among the most-followed social media hashtags were balcony gardening, tiny gardens and windowsill gardens.

“House plants have yet to peak,” says TV presenter and plant lover Michael Perry (see p59). “We’ll be celebratin­g flowering indoor plants more – especially if they’re fragrant.”

This is the year our gardens take on a deeper meaning, says GW presenter Arit Anderson (p68): “The pandemic has given us a real emotional connection with our gardens, and they connect us with the bigger picture on the environmen­t.”

 ??  ?? Join the growing trend and be creative with your windowsill­s
Join the growing trend and be creative with your windowsill­s

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