BBC Gardeners’ World Magazine

Q Any tips for growing wildflower­s on a patch of Thames alluvial soil?


ANigel Suffield-Jones, Berkshire

MATT SAYS Thames alluvial soil is chalky, alkaline clay, and suppliers offer specific seed mixes for this type of ground. Still, there may only be a short period when it’s workable in spring.

Prepare the ground by removing all debris, stones and the roots of perennial weeds, fork lightly to relieve compaction, then rake to a fine tilth. Give the bag a good shake, to mix the different seeds together. Divide the plot into metre squares with canes and string, then sow at the recommende­d density – half in one direction and half at 90 degrees, to ensure even distributi­on. Use a seed spreader or, if sowing by hand, mix the seeds with sand so you can see where you’ve sown. Then water in and keep the plot weed free.

 ??  ?? Prepare the soil well, then sow your wildflower seeds evenly
Prepare the soil well, then sow your wildflower seeds evenly

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