BBC Gardeners’ World Magazine

Never forget


When planting...

■ Earmark a location before you buy a plant (well, try to do it that way round!)

■ Group single-colour flowers rather than a mix of colours, for greatest impact.

■ Check the ultimate spread of a tree before you buy it – it’s more important than the height.

■ Plant daffodils in clumps – space 10 or 12 bulbs 4cm apart, rather than planting in wide-spaced drifts, for best effect.

■ Buy from local nurseries, both to give them support and because plants grown locally will usually do best in your garden.

When pruning...

■ Cut several old branches out of shrubs every year.

■ Avoid pruning Japanese maples (except to remove dead wood).

Around the garden...

■ Put water butts on all your downpipes – the extra water will be useful in summer.

■ Use fewer but larger patio containers – they look more effective than lots of small ones and will dry out less rapidly.

■Wash bird feeders once a fortnight to avoid spreading avian diseases.

■ Appreciate the value of mulching.

 ??  ?? A group of single-coloured tulips is more impactful than a mixture of hues
A group of single-coloured tulips is more impactful than a mixture of hues

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