BBC Gardeners’ World Magazine

How to propagate


1 Cut healthy young shoots, about 12cm long, from the plant. Make your cut just above a set of leaves to prevent unsightly dieback on the stem of the mother plant.

2 Trim off bottom leaves and keep in water. When all cuttings are ready, make a final cut just below a node (leaf joint). Dip into rooting hormone powder and tap off excess.

3 Have a tray prefilled and firmed in with a moist 60:40 mix of house-plant compost and perlite. Poke a hole with a stick, push your cutting in, firm in and repeat.

4 Place a clear lid on the tray, and leave somewhere light and warm. Roots should start to form after a few weeks. Don’t let the compost dry out – mist to keep it damp.

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