BBC Gardeners’ World Magazine


Digitalis purpurea ‘Pam’s Choice’


One of the most enchanting sights of summer is to see a fuzzy bee bottom waggling away as the owner of said

bottom gets stuck right into the deep-pocketed flower of a foxglove. We major on them in our garden (both bees and foxgloves), mostly because once you plant one then they will be with you forever, due to their rather libertine attitude to self-seeding. Every year they pop up in unexpected places and we let them do their thing because we know that wherever they are they will look wonderful and draw the wildlife in from far and wide.

Best in partial shade. Allow to self-seed or sow in seedtrays in late spring or early summer for planting out in autumn.

Height x Spread 1m x 40cm

For lots more fabulous foxgloves, turn to p85.

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