BBC Gardeners’ World Magazine

Electric corded mowers explained


Start button For safety this is pushed in conjunctio­n with pulling the drive lever to engage the mower.

Drive lever When pulled this engages the motor to drive the mower and stops as soon as you let go. May be a single lever engaged with one hand or a longer or double lever.

Grass collector A rigid plastic box or fabric bag that slots on to the back of the mower. Capacity varies from 30 to 60 litres and most have a full indicator to show when it needs emptying.

Roller An extra feature on some models, this flattens the grass as you mow and helps create those highly desirable stripes on the lawn.

Handlebar May be padded for added comfort or adjusted to suit different heights. For easy storage most fold in half; some fold down completely.

Cable Most are 10m but some are as long as 20m. Some mowers have a cable relief clip that helps keep the cable safely away from the mower deck while you are mowing.

Cable tidy Handy for wrapping the cable tidily away in storage.

Deck Encases the blade. Narrow decks are easier to turn and manoeuvre than wider ones.

Carry handle Useful for lifting even light mowers up steps.

Height of cut lever All mowers offer a range of cutting heights and these should be simple to adjust.

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