BBC Gardeners’ World Magazine

How to choose an electric corded mower

There’s lots to think about when choosing a new mower – consider the following points to help you choose the right electric model for you


Where are you mowing? A convenient power point is essential for an electric mower but you may need an extension lead as well. Check that the length of the cable is long enough to reach all parts of your lawn. If your lawn runs right up to walls, fences or raised beds look for a model that cuts to the edge or you’ll need to invest in a grass trimmer to neaten them up afterwards. What size do you need? The wider the cutting width the quicker the mower will cut your lawn as more grass is cut with each pass. However, mowers with a wider width usually have a bigger deck and are heavier and less easy to manoeuvre around trees or furniture. A wider cutting width is therefore best for larger expanses of grass while smaller models are ideal for nipping up and down little lawns and negotiatin­g around beds and borders. If you want a sharp, neat look opt for a model that has a low height of cut; if you tend to forget to mow, a higher height of cut will help you tackle grass that’s been left to grow longer. Is it ready to use? Often the cheaper the mower, the more assembly is needed but this isn’t always the case. To cut down on transport costs budget mowers are packed away into boxes so it can be tricky to see how much assembly is needed but most need the handles attaching and the grass box putting together. Fabric bags are often simpler to construct than the plastic box-style grass collectors. Is it safe? An electric cable is an obvious safety hazard and if you’re concerned about tripping over the cable or cutting it accidental­ly when you’re mowing, look for a model with a brightly coloured lead that’s easy to spot. A cable tension relief clip will help to keep it tucked out of the way of the blade and will also prevent it being snagged and ripped out of the mower’s socket. For safety, always use an RCD (Residual Current Device) plugged into the electric socket before plugging in your mower. Is storage space limited? Depending on where you plan to store your mower check how far the handle folds down and how easily it does so. Most can be partly unscrewed to fold over the body of the mower; others are designed to unclip and double fold completely flat. If you need to lift the mower up steps into storage, make a note of its weight and whether there are carry handles to make moving it about easier.

 ??  ?? Some models fold up neatly to suit small spaces
Some models fold up neatly to suit small spaces
 ??  ?? Make sure a mower is easy to carry and not too heavy for you
Make sure a mower is easy to carry and not too heavy for you

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