BBC Gardeners’ World Magazine

Good day sunshine

Don’t let hay fever cast a shadow over your summer – Optrex’s expert products help give effective and fast-acting itchy eye relief


One of summer’s greatest joys is spending time in your garden, but for hay fever sufferers, that isn’t always the case. Fortunatel­y, Optrex has a range of eyecare products – from ActiMist Double Action for Itchy and Watery Eyes to a refreshing Multi Action Eye Wash – that can be used in conjunctio­n with antihistam­ines to soothe irritation and help keep your eyes feeling fresh all season.

How does it work?

Seasonal allergic rhinitis, or hay fever, affects around one in five people in the UK. It’s essentiall­y an allergic reaction to pollen, which can cause disruption­s to the lipid layer of the tear film, resulting in itchy and watery eyes. Other symptoms can include coughing, sneezing and a runny nose.

Spraying Optrex ActiMist onto your closed eyes can help repair the lipid layer as you blink, restoring the natural moisture barrier that helps to soothe and relieve irritated eyes. Reassuring­ly, while some antihistam­ine tablets can take more than 60 minutes to start working, Optrex ActiMist offers fast-acting relief.

And, if you use the spray alongside Optrex’s Multi Action Eye Wash, it can help you look forward to starting the day feeling refreshed. The eye wash is specially formulated with a natural plant extract and purified water to help wash away pollen particles and cleanse the eye.

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