BBC Gardeners’ World Magazine

Safety first


Follow our tips to ensure you enjoy your fire pit safely:

Always place your fire pit on level ground, away from overhangin­g trees or shrubs, gazebos or washing.

Make sure it is centrally positioned on your lawn or patio, with plenty of room to walk round it without knocking into it.

Low fire pits without legs can discolour or crack patio slabs when hot. To avoid this, stand it on a tile or spare slab, or use a fire pit mat designed specifical­ly for this purpose.

Check the wind direction before lighting the fire. It’s a good idea to find out which way the smoke will blow before you position your seating.

Always supervise children and pets and keep a bucket of water or fire blanket nearby just in case.

When you’re finished, extinguish the flames with water or put a lid over the pit and let the fire die down safely. Allow it to completely cool before emptying any ash.

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