BBC Gardeners’ World Magazine



Early spring just wouldn’t be the same without hellebores, which come in an array of colours, from this pale and delicate pink to starchy þ°³í ae Ì ßßòâßÅ ae c° ĕÓþ âae° Ì« down a little so, wherever possible, try to plant them on banks so you look up into their eyes. Also, plant lots of them if you can, as this is one of those situations where bulk is better!

Helleborus x hybridus

Cut back leaves in early spring otherwise they tend to cover the emerging flowers.

HxS 35cm x 35cm


I have rather mixed feelings about this

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of the most perfect things you can imagine

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branches against an azure sky is a pretty

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varieties have foliage that is really dark and

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so are best in the company of other trees

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Prunus cerasifera

The cherry plum produces edible fruit after hot summers. Can be propagated from early summer cuttings. Can also be cut as a hedge.

HxS 10m x 8m


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and the slugs had rampaged through all your freshly germinated seedlings. Then you come

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a bunch of these anemones and the cares

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Anemone coronaria ‘Sylphide’

Plant corms in autumn after soaking for 24 hours (because dried bulbs need a bit of plumpness to get going). Needs sharp drainage. HxS 30cm x 25cm

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