BBC Gardeners’ World Magazine

Eat more plants!

Growing your own can result in large supplies of fruit and veg to consume, sometimes even gluts. That’s not a bad thing, says Tim Lang – we should eat more veg:


“The food we eat accounts for 26 per cent of humanmade greenhouse gas emissions and, of those, animal products account for half. This is not knocking animal production but it’s got out of proportion.

“The aim is: ‘less but better quality’ for meat, and ‘more and better’ for plants. We need less agri-culture,

more horti-culture, although how we grow our fruit and veg also makes a big difference to its impact.

“An orchard or vegetable garden that is soaked with pesticides to control problems is bad news. But ones which enhance insect life in soil and air are good news, and that’s our gardening choice.”

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