BBC Gardeners’ World Magazine


How to sow cucumber seeds indoors


1 Fill small pots with peat-free multi-purpose compost. When almost full, firm the compost to leave a 3cm gap from the rim of the pot.

2 Sow two seeds spaced apart on the compost surface. Sow them horizontal­ly on their side, so water doesn’t collect on the seed surface and cause it to rot.

3 Cover the seeds with a 2cm layer of sieved compost and firm the surface ever so gently with your hands.

4 Label each pot or put multiple pots of the same crop in one tray and use one label. Use a waterproof pen to write the label, then water the compost surface using a watering can with a fine rose attachment.

Dos and don’ts

✔DO check the ideal germinatin­g temperatur­e for each crop on the back of the seed packet before sowing. It may be that you can sow outdoors and save on windowsill or greenhouse space.

✔DO space out seeds so that they aren’t touching each other on the compost surface, or the seedlings can get tangled up.

✔DO sow salad crops little and often so that you don’t have too much produce to eat at one time.➍

✔DO cover pots or trays with a clear polythene bag or put them in a propagator to encourage quicker germinatio­n.

Key points

Choose to sow crops indoors that don’t do well sown direct in the soil in early spring such as courgettes

Find out more

Follow our no fuss guide to sowing small seeds, with helpful tips on sowing depth, watering, and the best environmen­t for germinatin­g your seeds

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