BBC Gardeners’ World Magazine


How to plant out lettuces


1 Make a planting hole just a little deeper than the depth of the module that the lettuce has been grown in and mix a handful of homemade compost into the base of the hole.

2 Lower the plant into the hole, and check that the base of the plant’s stems are at ground level.

3 Firm the soil around the base of the plant with your hands, to anchor the plant in the soil. Push the soil down slightly around the edge of the plant to leave a slight ‘well’ so that water goes straight down to the plant’s roots.

4 Water each plant well, watering until puddles form. Plants are prone to slugs so go out at nightfall with a torch to round them up.

Dos and don’ts

✔DO choose strong, sturdy and

healthy-looking plants

✔DO grow on plants in their pots for a week or two to increase their size and reduce the risk of slugs ruining the plant

✔DO check labels carefully before buying veg plants. Dwarf and climbing French beans look very similar as young plants.

DON’T plant too many plants in one go for summer crops such as lettuces that will need eating quickly after harvest.

DON’T choose plug plants for crops that don’t always transplant well, such as carrots and parsnips. Sow them direct in the soil instead.

Key points

Make sure you have room for your plants to develop without being crowded. It’s easy to buy too many.

Find out more

Watch our guide to the best veg plants to grow in containers if you are short of space but still keen to harvest some tasty homegrown food.

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