BBC Gardeners’ World Magazine

How to feed and water containers


Feeding and watering is an essential task for plants in pots. They are much needier than those in the ground because their roots don’t have as much space to spread into and there is a limited amount of nutrition available in a small area. If lots of plants are growing in the same pot, all competing for a limited amount of food and water, this can lead to plants drying out and getting hungry very quickly. Adding granular food to the compost before potting is a good start and can provide nutrition through spring and summer. Liquid feeding will give plants a more instant boost, but needs repeating often. Apply it at the manufactur­er’s recommende­d rate, or at half the rate but twice as often, to help you get in the habit. Check plants daily for water. If the surface is pale, dusty and dry, or foliage has visibly shrunk, give the plant a soak.

Some bagged composts are pre-mixed with plant food. Add an extra boost of controlled-release fertiliser for hungry plants such as roses and sweet peas

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