BBC Gardeners' World Magazine

Choosing the right pot


Most house plants need to be grown in a pot that has drainage holes in the base. There are some plants that do well without drainage, such as bog-loving carnivorou­s ones, but you still need to be careful that you don’t overwater them. Pots can be as basic and cheap or as elaborate and expensive as you wish, but consider this a chance to stamp your style on your house-plant collection.

◼ Simple containers can be the plastic nursery pots your plant came in or you can even recycle food containers, such as a plastic yoghurt pot. Punch some holes in the bottom, then place it on a saucer to catch water and stop it from damaging your furniture.

◼ Clay pots make more visually pleasing alternativ­es, but you will need to water a little more often if the terracotta is not glazed. Some glazed pots come with a single hole in the bottom and are designed to be planted into, but one hole may not be enough to stop compost getting waterlogge­d. You can add drainage holes to terracotta and china pots using a drill fitted with a ceramic tile bit, but don’t try this with anything really precious.

◼ Cache pots are decorative and used as a cover-up for plastic nursery pots. These are pots without holes in the bottom, and are often made from glazed pottery. Before reusing a nursery pot or cache pot, to remove any risk of transferri­ng pests and diseases to its new resident, scrub it inside and out with hot, soapy water, then rinse well. If you are using a porous terracotta pot, as long as you are not repotting a succulent in winter, it’s wise to soak the pot in water before you begin.

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