Gardens Illustrated Magazine



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1 Plant of Erysimum genus – a lone one on the border at social events? (10)

7 Seed containers of eg honesty flower (4)

9 Pollen-receiving part of flower – disgracefu­l sign? (6) 10 Ripe and readily available (2,6) 11 Dwarf, yellow-flowering rhododendr­on’s great London architect? (4)

12 Sharp projection­s on eg a leaf margin (5) 13 Luxuriant… part of Aesculus

hippocasta­num (4) 15 Sheila modified a genus of the ‘Snowdrop’ tree, aka Silverbell (7)

17 Evergreen flowering shrub with brilliant spring foliage (6)

19 A pachysandr­a with white/brown flowers – no alga, perhaps (6)

21 Consensus: it’s a cold-hardy, blue-black grape variety (7)

23 An Austen heroine’s pinkflower­ed diascia (4)

25 Sweet pea with pink/white flowers – a heavenly sight? (5) 26 Zest of an orange, say (4) 27 Bright scarlet tulip – if rule is changed (8)

29 A species of lacecap hydrangea… some wasp eradicated (6)

30 Tiny, flowerless plant not welcome in lawn (4) 31 Common name of Liatris spicata – ‘Merry plume’? (10)


2 The snapdragon genus (11) 3 Name of Scotland’s most exotic botanic garden – move along! (5)

4 Eg greenhouse­s needing wall support (4-3)

5 Deciduous shrub with bell-shaped flowers eg ‘Bristol Ruby’ (7)

6 Fruit of a thorny shrub – pink and trendy (7)

7 A gem of a white-flowering streptocar­pus? (5)

8 A series of double-flowering petunias – partly deciduous (3)

14 Plant of Euonymus genus – badly splintered by end of axe (7,4)

16 A late-cropping raspberry with firm fruits– a heavenly sign! (3)

18 An April-flowering, frilly pink cherry – found in Caledonia! (3)

20 The habit of Ceanothus ‘Cascade’ … creates chagrin (7)

21 Unusual cyme for hairy-leaved herb used as fertiliser (7) 22 Hazel’s fruit container? (3,4) 24 Fir genus – disease from mad dogs, not right! (5)

26 A pale-yellow narcissus, begins with hard fruit seed (5)

28 An Helenium series – ‘Flying Saucer’? (3)

 ??  ??

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