

A 50,000-Year History of Human Culture, Conflict and Connection

- By Tamim Ansary JON WRIGHT

No groundbrea­king ‘big idea’ prowls the pages of this book. We are not introduced to some previously concealed process or narrative that explains every last aspect of human history over tens of thousands of years. And, to be frank, this comes as something of a relief. The historiogr­aphical who- (or what-)dunnits that often place a hefty hermeneuti­c burden on the shoulders of a couple of explanator­y factors (the quirkier the better), have come thick and fast in recent years.

Ansary takes a more sober approach. He explores the ways in which ideas and developmen­ts have cropped up in one place and rippled out across the globe. He identifies the abiding tension of our shared history: civilisati­ons have always been interconne­cted but, while encounters have created new syntheses and world views, localism and its ‘whirlpools of exclusion’ have always been resilient. Indeed, the very concept of a ‘world history’ is problemati­c: any account is always ‘somebody-centric’ and any conceptual­isation of the past is driven by local ways of understand­ing the historical process, and the rich, idiosyncra­tic cultural assumption­s and traditions of any given time and place. Better, perhaps, simply to revel in the messiness of it all. We hear all about the engines of change through the millennia: the arrival of language, agricultur­e, religion, through to dazzling technologi­cal advances.

Perhaps this sounds like a return to an older way of doing history. Not the worst idea, and it certainly doesn’t signal a lack of ambition. If you choose to cover everything from Phoenician exploratio­ns of language to the utterly unexpected historical rise of Europe, you run an obvious risk. A couple of false steps and your reader will become hopelessly confused. Luckily, Ansary remains surefooted throughout.

• Public Affairs • £21.99 (hardback)

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