Glamorgan Gazette

Miscarriag­e – but mum finds out a twin has survived

- ABBY BOLTER abby.bolter@walesonlin­

A MUM-TO-BE who suffered a devastatin­g miscarriag­e has miraculous­ly found out she is still carrying a healthy twin – to the amazement of doctors.

Carina Marshall and her partner Kieran Morris were left heartbroke­n at Christmas after finding out she had miscarried – without knowing she was expecting twins.

To Carina’s bewilderme­nt, weeks later she started suffering from morning sickness, and a scan on Valentine’s Day confirmed they are expecting a baby dubbed a “miracle” by doctors.

“There’s quite a large baby in there,” said Carina.

“She turned the screen around and there was this very large baby that we didn’t expect to see.

“They are saying that they can’t explain it. They just told us it’s a miracle baby.”

To make it an even more memorable Valentine’s Day, Kieran then got down on one knee and proposed – with a very public display.

The couple had spoken about getting married for a long time and were in a bridal shop having a look at dresses when Kieran climbed into the display window and dropped to one knee.

He told her: “I love you to the moon and back and always, forever.”

Carina said: “He had said to me (in the past) ‘I love you, let’s get married’, but he had never actually gone down on one knee.

“He was really nervous and there was a lot of pressure on him, but he did it.”

Carina, who has since chosen a dress from the same shop, Pink Butterfly Brides, said they plan to marry at Bridgend Register Office on April 22, followed by a party at Bridgend Tennis Club.

“We have had lots of stress, financial hardship, then at Christmas everything was really stressful when we lost the baby,” the 22-year-old bride-tobe said.

“We were devastated, absolutely devastated.

“Now we’re over the moon.”

Samantha Buca, the owner of Pink Butterfly Brides, said: “It was a real tear-jerking moment after hearing their story.”

The self-employed couple first met five-anda-half years ago playing video games against each other online.

Carina, who was living in Hampshire at the time, said despite living hundreds of miles away from Kieran, who was in Bridgend, the pair immediatel­y hit it off when talking over their headsets.

Eventually they met and had their daughter Belline, four, and son, Leo, two.

The couple, who also have Carina’s daughter Scarlet, six, have been inseparabl­e ever since.

 ??  ?? Kieran Morris proposed to his partner Carina Marshall in the window of Pink Butterfly Brides in Bridgend after they discovered they were having a “miracle” baby
Kieran Morris proposed to his partner Carina Marshall in the window of Pink Butterfly Brides in Bridgend after they discovered they were having a “miracle” baby

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