Glamorgan Gazette

Quins put in mighty defensive effort to earn win


AMMANFORD ............... 8 MAESTEG QUINS ....... 13

AN error-strewn first 40 minutes prevented both teams from building momentum.

The hosts’ scrum was solid and the launchpad for many ground-making back-row sorties.

Quins varied their game well and the lineout was their most potent weapon. Nathan Smith and Lewis Tutt won great possession. Yet when getting into promising positions, Quins would fluff their lines with mis-throws or knock-ons. Lewys Jona- thon put Ammanford ahead with a penalty, then the Quins moved up a gear. An excellent driving lineout saw them eat up territory. Ammanford made no attempt to disguise their methods to arrest the advance.

The first effort came in at the side and impeded the Quins ball carrier. The second illegal maul entry dragged down the ball holder. Finally, a ruck offence beneath the posts was penalised. Having conceded penalties on five previous occasions when the Quins got close to the line, a yellow card was shown. Howe goaled to level the score.

oon after, Ammanford couldn’t cope with a midfield burst and Howe doubled the Quins total.

Quins started the second half with a bang to dominate the third quarter. A lack of composure and patience prevented them from making the scores they deserved.

Juggernaut Jay Ronan wreaked havoc as he burst through the defence on several occasions.

One amazing move saw the ball go through 10 pairs of hands, the interpassi­ng mesmerised the defence.

Overstretc­hed, a penalty was conceded and again a yellow card was shown. From the lineout Dean Ronan was driven over and Howe bisected the uprights. Like the boar on their badge, Ammanford are fierce when provoked.

A difficult re-start was gathered. The clearing box-kick was charged down and for the remaining quarter, the Quins left their 22 on three fleeting occasions.

It was now over to the defence and this display was magnificen­t.

Reduced to 13 men as the penalty count against the Maesteg men mounted, Ammanford right wing Dylan Phillips scored in the corner.

As Ammanford sought a match-levelling try, for the final 10 minutes the game was played out no further than five yards from the Quins line. Aided by a string of 14 consecutiv­e penalties, the hosts kicked to touch. Each time the driving mauls were halted.

Closer to the posts Ammanford elected for scrums, but even with a numerical disadvanta­ge the Quins pack held firm. The constant stream of pick-up and drives were repelled time and again.

Every Quins player tackled tremendous­ly in an exhausting rear-guard action, Spartan in its simplicity and ferocity.

Some stood out as they downed attackers and were straight back up on their feet to take on another would-be try scorer. Geraint Watkins, Lewis Tutt and Aled Evans wrapped themselves around anyone who came their way. Meanwhile skipper Steve Williams and centre Aled Edwards shocked ball carriers with the ferocity of their challenges.

Not only did they halt their progress, they knocked them back yards with several thunderous hits.

Having put enough doubts into their heads, Ammanford opted for a quick tap-and-go, which was knocked-on to signal raucous roars at executing a tough defensive job extremely well.

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