Glamorgan Gazette

Driver died in flood

- JOHANNA CARR, PRESS ASSOCIATIO­N newsdesk@walesonlin­

A PENSIONER died in his car when it became stuck in flood waters during Storm Angus, an inquest heard.

Russell Sherwood, 69, was reported missing after he failed to arrive to collect his wife Elizabeth.

A PENSIONER died in his car when it became stuck in flood waters during Storm Angus, an inquest heard.

Russell Sherwood, 69, was reported missing after he failed to arrive to collect his wife Elizabeth, a cancer nurse, from her night shift at 7am on Sunday, November 20, 2016, Cardiff Coroner’s Court heard on Tuesday.

Mr Sherwood, from Neath, was found dead on November 23 inside his car which had become submerged in the River Ogmore.

An IPCC investigat­ion was launched following his death and is ongoing.

It examined the response of South Wales Police in relation to an earlier report of flooding across New Inn Road in Ewenny on the day and whether call handlers properly riskassess­ed the informatio­n provided to them.

The inquest heard how motorist Stephen Evans’ car became trapped in flood waters when he tried to cross the Dipping Bridge on New Inn Road near Bridgend – shortly before Mr Sherwood would have tried to cross it.

Mr Evans said he was on his way to work at around 5.20am when he attempted to cross the bridge but stopped when he realised the river had burst its banks.

“I tried to put the car in reverse to get out but it wouldn’t move,” he said. “There was water coming through the doors. I phoned the police... they said there is nothing we can do, hang up and phone the fire service.”

Mr Evans climbed out of his car through the passenger window and said that by around 6am, when the fire service was on the scene, the water was over the roof. He added: “I did ask them why the road wasn’t closed. They said they informed Highways.”

Stephen Richards, from South Wales Fire and Rescue Service, said he was Bridgend station manager and watch manager Mark Reynolds’ line manager, who had been on duty during the incident.

Mr Richards said he was not on duty that morning but was giving evidence on Mr Reynolds’ behalf, as the latter was not able to be at the hearing. He said Mr Evans called the fire service at 5.27am and by 6.06am Mr Evans had been rescued and the incident closed.

Coroner Philip Spinney asked why the service had not taken any steps to close the road. Mr Richards said: “It is not fire service protocol to close the road.”

Mr Spinney asked if the firefighte­rs should have waited at the scene for Highways to come.

Mr Richards said as an emergency service they would have needed to be available for other calls and added that the service contacted the Highways Agency at 5.29am and again after the conclusion.

Rafael Combarro, the Bridgend superinten­dent for the Highways Agency, told the inquest the early hours of November 20 had been busy and he was dealing with flooding at Pyle when he received a call to say New Inn Road needed to be closed.

He said he finished dealing with that incident before going to close the road at the bridge by around 7am and that he had dealt with the closure as quickly as he could “with the resources we had”.

In a statement, Mrs Sherwood said her husband was diagnosed with cancer in 2007 and went into remission after treatment.

“He retired that year and was at his happiest when he was with me or doing things with his family,” she said, adding that he always picked her up and collected her from night shifts.

“Russ idolised me and displayed various acts of love and kindness on a daily basis,” she said “He was a kind-natured man to everyone he met ... Russ was my world and I will never get over losing him.”

Mr Spinney recorded a narrative conclusion, saying: “Unusual weather had caused flooding at the New Inn Road and the Dipping Bridge over the River Ogmore. The flooding continued to pose a danger to life and the fire service left the scene with the casualty ... on the understand­ing that this would be dealt with by the Highways Agency.

“Mr Sherwood drove along the road and into the flood water causing his vehicle to be swept away.”

Mr Spinney said he was concerned the fire service left the road after rescuing Mr Evans, without waiting for the Highways Agency to close it.

He said: “I shall be writing a report to the fire service and I shall be requesting that they review their procedures regarding the closure of roads in circumstan­ces that pose a risk to life.”

He added the service would be required to respond to his report within 56 days to say what action had been taken.

 ??  ?? Russell Sherwood who died in his car when it became stuck in Storm Angus flood waters in Ewenny, an inquest at Cardiff Coroner’s Court heard
Russell Sherwood who died in his car when it became stuck in Storm Angus flood waters in Ewenny, an inquest at Cardiff Coroner’s Court heard

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