Glamorgan Gazette

This was a real pantomime

- Neville Westerman Brynna

CAN the British public learn anything from the recent debacle of an election?

One politician, Mrs May, thought that she could sell herself as Superwoman, the saviour of the British nation, when we all discovered that May’s silly strong stable was full of horse muck.

It never had anything to do with political beliefs, and certainly not with any form of moral principles.

Nobody thinks that we should change the PM at such a delicate time, but no sensible person believes that this one is fit, whatever they choose to say.

This was public relations blending with children’s comics, to produce pantomime. The EU were cast as the ugly sisters, even though they had done nothing wrong so far, after we rejected them.

Fortunatel­y David Davies had possession of Aladdin’s magic lamp, since there was absolutely no evidence that Britain’s economy could withstand isolation from the larger thriving markets of the EU.

Mrs May’s plan was to “believe in the British people”, if they were daft enough to believe that she knew what she was doing.

Politics needs to be more profound than public relations and advertisin­g a faulty product, as a way to command the minds of a nation.

The Conservati­ve Party is selling snake oil as hair restorer, in shameless pretence, in place of the real economics of other nations.

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