Glamorgan Gazette

‘Crooked’ used-car firm sold vehicles unfit to drive


A “COMPLETELY crooked” used-car business took customers’ money for dangerous and unroadwort­hy vehicles they failed to mention were write-offs.

Serial offender Nassea Asfi, along with Zahid Rasul and his Bridgend College student son Abdullah Rasul, deliberate­ly misled buyers by telling them cars they were purchasing had MoT certificat­es when they did not.

Speaking at Cardiff Crown Court, prosecutor Lee Reynolds described Autobuy Cardiff Limited in Barry as “a problem premises”.

The court heard Deborah Deol went to the business on Barry Road in May 2016 to buy a car for her daughter, who had just passed her driving test.

Prosecutor­s said she was told the Fiat Punto had a clean MoT, but it was not even safe when she took it out for a test drive, as the driver’s seat would not lock in place.

It broke down soon after she bought it and had to be recovered by the RAC, who found the drive shaft had snapped.

Mr Reynolds said the car should not have passed an MoT and Ms Deol lost £1,771 as a result of the purchase.

A second complainan­t, Natalie Goddard, bought a car on June 21, 2016 and paid £365 for a three-year warranty.

Prosecutor­s said the vehicle broke down on the way home and she found out the warranty was “worthless”. She asked for a refund, but it was refused.

Another complainan­t, John Simick, bought a car on June 30 that year. He was told it had just passed its MoT and was taxed for the next six months – claims that were “simply not true”.

The court heard he took the vehicle to a garage due to problems with the hand brake and staff confirmed it had failed its MoT. Mr Simick lost £429.

Prosecutor­s said the local authority carried out a forecourt inspection on July 7, 2016.

Nassea Asfi was there when officers arrived, but stated he was just dropping off a car and quickly left.

Then Zahid Rasul, who the court heard works in Bridgend, arrived, but told officers he could not stay. When he was questioned about the cars, he said he would have to check with his son.

Mr Reynolds said the site was “a problem premises for trading standards”.

He added: “Nassea Asfi had a history of selling dangerous, unroadwort­hy and misdescrib­ed vehicles.”

The court heard he was previously prosecuted twice by the Vale of Glamorgan council.

Prosecutor­s said he was given a community order in 2011 for selling unsafe and misdescrib­ed vehicles.

Mr Reynolds added: “Following that, the business simply changed names.”

The court heard he changed the name to Auto Trade Wales and carried on as director, using a variation on his own name.

Prosecutor­s said trading standards visited the premises again in December 2013 and found more dangerous and unroadwort­hy vehicles.

Nassea Asfi was given an eight-month jail term, suspended for two years, and ordered to complete 250 hours of unpaid work.

A Criminal Behaviour Order was imposed, banning him from working in the motor trade for seven years.

Prosecutor­s said trading standards visited Autobuy Cardiff Limited, knowing the history of the premises, and gave the defendants “comprehens­ive” advice.

Mr Reynolds explained: “On the face of it, this was a new business.”

The court heard officers spent more than an hour explaining how the business needed to comply with regulation­s and left written guidance.

Judge Neil Bidder QC noted officers “did everything they could”.

Nassea Asfi, 46, of Pontypridd Road, Barry, did not attend the hearing, at which he was due to be sentenced for breaching a Criminal Behaviour Order.

Tom Flavin, defending, said: “We simply know not where he is.”

Prosecutor­s said he had been before the courts for more than 60 previous offences and Judge Bidder described him as the “main offender”. His case was adjourned to May 3 and the judge said he will sentence him in his absence if he waives his right to attend.

Zahid Rasul, 55, of Beverley Street, Port Talbot, admitted three counts of offering to supply dangerous vehicles and six counts of misleading commercial practice.

Francis Jones, defending, said: “He apologises to the court.”

He claimed his client did not know the history of the premises, adding: “He allowed himself to be deceived.”

But Judge Bidder replied: “I find it impossible to believe he did not know of Nassea Asfi’s chequered background.”

Mr Jones stated his client, who was registered as the company director, did not make any money from his offending.

Zahid Rasul was ordered to pay compensati­on of £885 to Ms Deol, £182.50 to Ms Goddard and £214.50 to Mr Simick.

The judge told him: “You are not setting a good example to your son.”

He was given a 24-week jail term, suspended for 18 months, and ordered to complete 150 hours of unpaid work, plus seven days of a rehabilita­tion activity.

Abdullah Rasul, 19, from the same address as his father, admitted fraud and participat­ing in the supply of a dangerous car.

The court heard he posted a false positive review on Facebook to try to bring in customers.

Mr Jones described him as “a very young man”, living with his parents, studying a business course at Bridgend College and working part-time.

He was given a 12-month community order, requiring him to complete 80 hours of unpaid work. Mr Jones said he had no money to pay compensati­on or costs.

 ??  ?? Zahid Rasul from Market Street in Bridgend
Zahid Rasul from Market Street in Bridgend
 ??  ?? Abdullah Rasul
Abdullah Rasul

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