Glamorgan Gazette

No controvers­y in name change


IT shouldn’t be controvers­ial. The Senedd and Elections (Wales) Bill proposes to lower the minimum voting age to 16 as well as some other technical changes to how elections are run. But the proposal to rename the National Assembly for Wales “Senedd” has sparked the most interest from Assembly Members. It should be a straightfo­rward idea that confirms what many people already call the institutio­n; helping to “normalise” the use of Welsh amongst Welsh speakers and non-Welsh speakers alike.

The main counterpro­posal is to adopt a bilingual name – the clumsy “Senedd Cymru – Welsh Parliament”. The argument goes that English speakers will be unable to cope with a Welsh name. This will lead to voters becoming confused and disengaged from Welsh politics which will undermine the institutio­n and ultimately our nation’s democratic process. It’s a wellmeanin­g concern, but underestim­ates both the problems facing our democracy and the ability of English speakers to learn new words.

As countless studies from Cardiff University’s Wales Governance Centre and pressure groups like the Electoral Reform Society show, the public’s disengagem­ent in politics and democracy is deep rooted. Understand­ing the difference between the executive and legislativ­e branch, the balance of power between the Welsh and UK government, and the varying roles and responsibi­lities of MPs, AMs, and local councillor­s are not well understood.

The idea that these deep rooted structural problems can be solved by renaming the institutio­n Senedd Cymru – Welsh Parliament is fantasy. The Welsh public felt no special attachment to the European Parliament, why would the word “Parliament” used in the context of Wales do something different?

The reality is that Senedd is now the strongest and best understood alternativ­e to the National Assembly for Wales. Names like Congress and Senate are used in Welsh and UK media to describe the legislativ­e branch of government in the US, without the clarifying label, American Parliament.

In Ireland, Dáil is the name of their Parliament, used without problem by English speakers. For centuries, Englishspe­akers have incorporat­ed words from other languages into everyday use – and the English-language is stronger for it. A simple, distinctiv­e, easy to pronounce word already in common and increasing usage should be obvious option. English speakers are more than able to cope and the Welsh language will be all the stronger for the change. Stephen Brooks, former Director of the Electoral Reform Society Cymru

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