Glamorgan Gazette

Hot Seat ners

- Chris Elmore re

Ogmore MP speaks about how pensioners are not claiming what they are owed

AS the days get shorter and the nights get colder many of us will be dusting off the thermostat and turning the heating on. But the news over recent weeks of the crisis in the fuel market has sent shockwaves throughout homes across the country. A number of people in Ogmore have seen their energy providers go bust, and many are staring at the cost of gas worried how they will afford to put food on the table and heat their homes.

This should not have come as a surprise to the UK Government. They have received many reports in their 11 years in government warning that the UK doesn’t have the resilience against shocks in the energy market. The fire at one of our main grid connection points to mainland Europe, the hike in demand worldwide, and the instabilit­y of Russia in providing gas have all left the UK in a weakened position. Action should and could have been taken. Ownership of your failings is important. Sadly, we have a UK Government determined to blame everyone else.

I have been working tirelessly with constituen­ts to provide support during this crisis. I’ve given advice for those whose energy company went bust, secured a decent settlement from the Department for

Work and Pensions, and referred people to food banks.

One thing that worries me, however, is the number of pensioners in Ogmore who are not claiming what they are owed. Too many people are not claiming Pension Credit and are living in hardship when they shouldn’t. Over the past 10 years Pension Credit take-up has stagnated at around 60%. This means that roughly one million pensioners aren’t getting the support they are entitled to, which equates to nearly £2.2 billion of financial assistance not being given by the UK Government.

For many years, I have pushed the UK Government to raise awareness of this invaluable support created by the last Labour UK Government, but they have stubbornly remained quiet. That’s why I’m encouragin­g pensioners in Ogmore to either visit or contact me to find out what you may be missing out on.

It’s blatantly obvious that those who have paid into the system all their lives should be rewarded and supported in their old age. Retirement should be a time to enjoy yourself, not worry about the next utility bill falling through the letterbox.

The UK Government seems hell bent on wrecking our social security system. The cuts to Universal Credit will withdraw nearly £7 million from Ogmore towns and villages every single year. That’s money that would go directly into our local economy to support jobs, redevelopm­ent of the places we love and secure a decent standard of living for those in receipt of welfare.

I fear we are heading for a winter of discontent. A winter where inflation spirals forcing the cost of living through the roof, mortgage rates steadily climb making housing even more expensive, and where shortages of food and fuel continue. The UK Government need to step up, take responsibi­lity and sort this mess out. Britain deserves better than this.

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