Glamorgan Gazette

Dog seized by police after ‘spate’ of attacks

- NATHAN BEVAN Reporter nathan.bevan@walesonlin­

SOUTH Wales Police are appealing for informatio­n after a spate of dog attacks in and around Maesteg town centre.

The animal responsibl­e – which has now been seized by officers – is alleged to have been “going for” residents and their pets in the Maesteg area for several weeks.

Scores of people have been leaving comments about the incidents – some including their own near-miss experience­s – on a community Facebook page.

One woman recalled seeing a dog – believed to be a type of Husky or Akita – “attack an elderly gentleman and his pet Frenchie” on nearby Bethania Street.

She then described how, “The Husky snapped its lead and the muzzle came off. It knocked the man to the floor and started attacking both him and his dog.”

Another person, posting last week, wanted to thank those bystanders who came to her aid after her own pet dog was rushed by the animal which had been chained up outside a takeaway on Talbot Street.

“As soon as it saw my dog Henry from across the road it pulled on its chain and was over the other side in seconds,” she wrote.

“It’s really not okay to have this happen so often and not feel safe to walk through town with your dog.

“And the man whose dog it was couldn’t have given a s**t about what had just happened.”

Dozens of others also came forward to state that they’d seen similar examples, with one concerned resident writing, “Same dog pinned my friend’s dog to the floor – scared s****less her little furbaby was.”

Meanwhile, someone else asked, “How many more times does this need to happen before someone gets seriously hurt or worse?

“Please tell me something is being done about this.”

However, many were keen to stress that they didn’t blame the dog but its owner and how they’d raised the animal.

South Wales Police’s local policing inspector Mel Knight said: “We have been made aware of a number of concerns surroundin­g a potentiall­y dangerous dog in the Maesteg area.

“The dog has been identified and seized and an investigat­ion is ongoing.

“Anyone with any informatio­n is asked to get in touch with South Wales Police quoting 2300012093.”

 ?? ?? Maesteg town centre
Maesteg town centre

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