Glamorgan Gazette


- Send Your News To:

Jill Goudge

01656 740026

Access to Siloam Chapel Graveyard:

Access is permitted to the graveyard at Siloam Chapel, Bedford Road,

Cefn Cribwr to the families of the interred to view and place flowers on the graves of the deceased and the right to pass and repass those graves on Mothering Sunday, March 10.

● Chair Aerobics at the Green Hall: Using Virtual Village Hall instructor­s, Sitfit sessions are for those that cannot do a full standing session or who are recovering from illness or injury. Can also be standing if wanted.

These are relaxed sessions for fun and fitness and refreshmen­ts are available after each session.

Sessions cost £2.50. Contact greenhall2­ for further informatio­n.

● Mynydd Cynffig WI: We all gathered at our usual venue, The Talbot Center Kenfig Hill, from 2pm-4pm, on the second Tuesday of the month. We were nice and dry and warm, outside it was wet and cold we were definitely in the right place.

We discussed WI business and then discussed all the things that was going on in our WI.

Our walking group still meets and enjoys different locations to explore, same as our Lunch Club we try to go to local venues so we can report to our members and our Scrabble Group and Book Club are on going.

We have a Saving Club which we save for Christmas and all these clubs give our members lots of things to enjoy.

Our speaker was Tim Tilt, from the Old Newtonians, who gave us a talk and demonstrat­ion on and with hand bells he even got several of our members to “volunteer “and have a go.

Next month we will have a talk on Home Safety by Marlene Thomas.

Our talks are varied and always interestin­g, so call in and see us – tea or coffee always on hand.

Christine Callaghan (Secretary) ● Tai Chi Classes, Aberkenfig: At the

Len Evans Centre, Aberkenfig.

Tai Chi and Qigong classes are held on a Monday evening.

Qigong from 6.30pm-7.30pm (can be done seated).

Tai Chi from 7.30pm-8.30pm.

All are welcome to join our lovely groups. Please contact Jane for more informatio­n on 07491 651 642.

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