Glasgow Times

Nail trimming can be tricky


I HAVE two six-monthold dwarf hamsters and their nails seem to be quite long. Do I need to get them trimmed, and is there anything I can put in the cage to help? THE ends of the nails should be approximat­ely level with the pads of the feet, so if they’re curling round further than this you should trim the ends. You’ll need a set of nail clippers for small pets. If the nails are pale, you should be able to see a pinkish line running through the centre called the “quick” - a blood vessel and nerve. You shouldn’t trim as far back as this, because the nail will bleed and be painful. If the nails are dark, trim them very carefully to avoid cutting them too far back. Ask your vets or a local groomer’s to be shown how to trim your hamsters’ nails before doing it yourself. MY Jack Russell, Bo, is seven years old and is losing a lot of hair. Is this something hereditary, or could she be lacking something in her diet? SOME dogs lose their fur because they scratch themselves a lot, perhaps because of fleas or an allergy. Others lose fur because of a hormone imbalance – one cause of this is a condition called Cushing’s disease. Often these hormone-related diseases cause other symptoms, such as an enlarged belly or tiredness. It may not be as simple as something lacking in her diet. Take her to be checked by your vet. My young cat Beetle keeps weeing on the floor and my partner shouts at her when she does, but this isn’t helping. How can I help her to stop? YOUR partner should stop shouting at Beetle as this will cause her to be afraid and anxious, and could be making the problem worse. You need to find out why Beetle is doing this. One possible cause is anxiety or stress. Another possible reason is that Beetle has experience­d pain at her litter tray (e.g. because of cystitis), so now associates her litter tray with pain. I’d advise taking her to the vet.

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