Glasgow Times



A EUROSCEPTI­C cabinet minister has accused David Cameron and pro-EU campaigner­s of displaying “a low opinion of the British people” by downplayin­g the UK’s prospects outside the EU.

Iain Duncan Smith, the work and pensions secretary, launched a blistering attack on those campaign- ing for a vote to remain in June’s referendum, amid increasing­ly bitter fighting within the Tory party.

The PM led a fresh assault on pro-Brexit campaigner­s, using a newspaper article to accuse them of wanting to take “the gamble of the century” with the UK’s future.

But Mr Duncan Smith – one of five cabinet ministers who have broken ranks to join the leave campaign – insisted a post-exit favourable trade deal with the rest of the EU is “very doable”.

He dismissed the potential impact of the emergency brake curb on migrant workers’ benefits secured by the PM as part of the renegotiat­ion deal, and he vowed to fight a ban on anti-EU ministers seeing official papers relating to Brussels.

“I have never heard such a lot of pessimisti­c downsizing of Britain’s aspect,” he said in an interview after Mr Cameron began a tour of the UK urging voters not to take a “leap in the dark”.

Mr Duncan Smith added: “I have a different view.

“My view is Britain is a great country, the people here are inventive, innovative and will find a way with us to actually have a real deal that gives Britain access to the world and access to Europe.”

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