Glasgow Times

Our pubs reflect warmth of city


JOHNNY Mack’s view is that “the heyday of pubs is well over” (Evening Times, March 21). Sorry Johnny, but you should visit some of the wonderful and welcoming pubs to be found in Glasgow.

Full of individual character (and characters) many of which have won awards for beer, whisky, wine and food as well as great service.

Glasgow is a warm and friendly city and our pubs reflect this.

Don’t sit at home – get out and meet the people who make Glasgow.

Billy Gold, Glasgow, via email

Religion in schools

I READ the story about the work beginning on the new joint Catholic and Jewish school campus

Why in this day and age are we sending children to separate schools because of religion?

Religion should be taught in the place of worship or at home.

If the children can go to the nursery school together why can’t they go to the same school together.

William Smith, online

Name the doctors

I FOUND the story regarding doctor’s missing the “red flag” symptoms of a child’s cancer truly disturbing. And what made it all the more disturbing was the fact they aren’t revealing which practice was involved and which doctor.

We should have a right to know.

John, online

‘Yes’ dodged a bullet

A REPORT claims the Yes vote would have cost Scotland £10.4 billion in the first year.

That’s £10bn a year in the red before we even begin!

We didn’t so much dodge a bullet as dodge an austerity howitzer that would make Osborne’s cuts look like a walk in the park.Yes voters who are currently finding it hard to make ends meet should be thanking those of us who voted no.

Tony Shields, online

Easily fooled

I BELIEVE we dodged a bullet in the independne­ce referendum.How can you be ‘independen­t’ when another country controls the purse strings?

I’m stunned at how easily my fellow Scots are fooled.

John Johnston, online

Hope from the war

I WAS delighted to read about the new sculpture built to commemorat­e the First World War. It is intended to be a symbol of hope and survival and I think it is a welcome addition to Glasgow’s collection of art.

John Ellis, via email

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