Glasgow Times

Indyref 2 is ‘more likely than not’


NICOLA Sturgeon expects a second referendum on Scottish independen­ce while she is First Minister.

The SNP leader, who polls suggest is all but guaranteed to continue as First Minister at the helm of another majority government after Thursday’s Holyrood election, said the prospect of a second vote on the issue dur- ing her premiershi­p was “more likely than not”.

The party’s manifesto says the Scottish Parliament should have the right to hold another referendum if there is “clear and sustained evidence” of majority support for independen­ce, or “significan­t and material” change in circumstan­ces, such as Scotland leaving the EU against its will.

Ms Sturgeon has already announced a summer initiative targeting those who voted No in 2014, when Scots backed remaining in the UK by 55 per cent to 45 per cent.

She was asked whether she thought there would be a second referendum within her premiershi­p.

Ms Sturgeon replied: “If you’re asking me, do I think it’s more likely than not? Yes.”

She added: “I would like to think that’s the case.

“If I can’t persuade more people than we persuaded in 2014 of the case for independen­ce then there won’t be. But if we can, then I think there will be.”

In a television interview, she said: “I want Scotland to be independen­t, I think it’s the best future for our country so clearly I would like to see a second referendum.

“But it’s a decision for the majority of people in Scotland and there will only be a second referendum and there will certainly only be independen­ce if a majority of people in Scotland want that.”

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