Glasgow Times


- With Hannah Rodger

Who are you?

My name is Kate Henry, owner of Eat Right, Feel Amazing.

Where are you based?

I am based in Fresh Beauty and Skin Centre in Cumbernaul­d.

We offer all the beauty treatments that you would find in any salon, but at Fresh there is an emphasis on a holistic approach; looking after yourself inside and out.

How did you get started?

Three years ago my friend Sophia sent me a message asking me what my secret was to staying in shape since I had my children.

I was a size 16 at my biggest, but for the last six years since my second child was born I managed to control and maintain my weight without “dieting”. I hate that word. I started a Facebook page that same night to share all my healthy eating tips. It went down well, so I commission­ed a website where I could sell the eBooks I had written.

As time went on I had the desire to help people on a more personal level. I took courses to become a nutrition advisor.

There is so much informatio­n available on the internet that we don’t know what we should be doing any more.

High protein, low carb, the 5:2, juicing, carb cycling? It’s an absolute minefield.

What is your background?

I have a degree in textile design and I lectured in Art and Design for 10 years.

Since I became a mother, I have worked part time in a catering company Regis Banqueting.

I have been brought up with good food and my mum was always a very innovative cook, years before her time.

What is your top tip?

Eat breakfast and don’t go for longer than four hours with no food. Drink plenty of water.

What was your first deal?

I sold my first eBook in June 2013 and had my first consultati­on on March 9, 2016

Where do you plan your business to be in five years?

I would like to have a full diary of clients each week, with a string of people I helped to achieve and maintain a healthy diet for life.


kate@eatrightfe­ eatrightfe­­elAmazing

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