Glasgow Times

Dugdale fears Trump win following Brexit vote


SCOTTISH Labour leader Kezia Dugdale will warn US Democrats that “the nightmare scenario of a Donald Trump presidency could become a reality” if they don’t heed the lessons of the UK Brexit vote.

Ms Dugdale will meet political and trade union leaders from across the US at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelph­ia this week.

She said Mr Trump is using the same “reckless populism” of the Brexit campaign by rallying those who “feel they have no hope and nothing to lose” with fears about immigratio­n.

Ms Dugdale said: “Seventeen million people across the UK, including more than one million in Scotland, rejected the views of the political establishm­ent and backed Brexit.

“That must act as a warning to leaders all across the world, including Hillary Clinton.

“The UK’s vote to leave the European Union shows the nightmare scenario of a Donald Trump presidency could become a reality.

“For those with no job or in low-paid, insecure work, the status quo is just as risky as taking a leap into the unknown.

“Those of us who rejected the division created by Brexit leaders and who are appalled by the racist campaignin­g of Donald Trump must never dismiss the views of people who vote for them. We need to address their concerns and invest in their future, not write them all off.”

Ms Dugdale is in the US as part of a cross-party delegation to discuss education, immigratio­n, Brexit, the environmen­t and trade.

She said officials from across the US have raised concerns that if Britain can vote for Brexit, Americans could vote for Mr Trump in November.

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