Glasgow Times

Art by Glasgow’s Banksy appears across city sites


A POLISH street artist has picked Glasgow’s streets as the canvas for his new project.

An artist going by the name Fuse, from Poland, has been spray painting thought-provoking artworks around the city since the beginning of August.

Among his works is an overweight policeman hidden on Stockwell Place, a family clutching at an atomic bomb on York Place and a pregnant mother and child on Robertson Lane.

Other pieces can be spotted in Bridgegate and Maxwell Street.

Fuse, who wishes to keep his/her identity hidden, will be building new installati­ons in Glasgow until the end of the month.

The artist’s spokeswoma­n explained: “Street art gives the individual an opportunit­y of reading the artist’s message without convention­ality.

“Taking advantage of freedom and multi-meaning of this kind of art allows Fuse to simply reach a wider audience and let them interpret his/her art freely or take a deeper look.”

Fuse’s mission is to start conversati­ons on the issues of spiritual, political and social significan­ce.

Inspiratio­n behind the thought-provoking art comes from everyday life, with Fuse focusing attention exclusivel­y on “creating art that searched through the hidden meaning in the everyday life of the human soul.”

The next round of installati­ons are said to express issues concerning the city.

Members of the public have compared the artwork to that of English graffiti artist Banksy, whose work has also found its way into Glasgow.

 ??  ?? Street art by the mysterious Fuse is appearing in Glasgow
Street art by the mysterious Fuse is appearing in Glasgow
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