Glasgow Times

Drunk driver left trail of destructio­n in street

- By STACEY MULLEN Crime Reporter

A WOMAN who wanted to move her car round the corner after getting into an argument with her mother ended up leaving a path of destructio­n on the road due to her drink-driving.

Helen Haldane, 42, appeared in the dock at Glasgow Sheriff Court for sentencing.

Haldane pleaded guilty from custody the day after the offence was committed.

The incident happened at around 9pm on December 11, last year in north Glasgow’s Lambhill.

She pleaded guilty to driving the car without due care and attention. She also accepted that she drove the car while she was almost three times over the limit.

Haldane drove the car between Eyenort Street and Erradale Street in Lambhill.

She allowed the car to roll down the street without the engine running, and this caused the vehicle to mount the kerb.

The car also struck two other vehicles in its path including a Ford Transit van.

Haldane also took off the car’s hand break which caused it to roll backwards, mount the pavement and hit a bin.

Police officers arrived 10 minutes after the incident and when they spoked to Haldane, she explained that she had fallen out with her mother and wanted to move the car away from her house round the corner.

Haldane’s defence agent told the court that his client was “highly intoxicate­d” and her “judgment was impaired” when the incident happened.

Court papers stated that there was 64 micrograms of alcohol per 100ml of breath. The legal limit in Scotland is 22 micrograms of alcohol per 100ml of breath.

Haldane’s defence agent added: “She fully understand the seriousnes­s of her actions.

“She wished to move the car around the corner after an argument with her mother.”

He explained his client had no intention of continuing with the journey.

Haldane, of Queen Street, Arbroath, was banned from driving for year and placed under a structured deferred sentence. A review will take place in May.

 ??  ?? The incident happened in the city’s Lambhill area in December, last year
The incident happened in the city’s Lambhill area in December, last year

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