Glasgow Times

Trio abusive to bus driver after trying to skip fares

- By STACEY MULLEN Crime Reporter

THREE Easterhous­e men caused a rammy on a city centre bus after attempting to board without paying their fare.

Christophe­r Spence, 27, and Gerald Duffy, 32, were in the dock for sentencing at Glasgow Sheriff Court after pleading guilty to behaving in a threatenin­g or abusive manner on the number 41 bus.

Anton Brannigan, 24, could not make a personal appearance at the court having just been discharged from hospital.

His defence agent asked the court to defer sentence on her client to allow him to recover.

The Procurator Fiscal depute told the court that the incident happened at around 11.15pm on December 18, 2014.

The bus had stopped at West George Street and the three men jumped on board via the rear emergency exit door, which set off an alarm.

The driver asked the men to leave the bus because they failed to pay their fare. The men approached the bus driver and started to give him abuse.

The bus driver with t he assistance of another passenger attempted to usher them off. At this point, the row escalated.

The charge sheet stated that they aimed blows at people while on the bus, shouted, swore and refused to leave the bus.

Police were contacted and the men were identified following further inquires.

Spence’s defence agent told the court that his client had consumed alcohol prior to the incident.

He explained his client had already been punished through a curfew which was set when he was arrested.

The court heard Spence, of Lochend Road, has turned his life around and he is now working in a biscuit factory.

Duffy’s defence agent said his client accepts that it is a serious matter.

Spence was told he must complete 105 hours of unpaid work in the community within four months.

Duffy, of Lochdocher­t Road, will learn his fate on February 22.

His sentence was deferred along with that of Brannigan, of Glenelg Quadrant, for reports.

 ??  ?? The incident happened on a city centre bus when the trio tried to get on without paying
The incident happened on a city centre bus when the trio tried to get on without paying

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