Glasgow Times

Jilted lover in acid threats and stalking


A JILTED lover who threatened to throw acid on his ex partner’s face and poured liquid through her letterbox has been jailed for a year.

David Rhinds, 28, bombarded Sarah Harty with abusive and threatenin­g texts after they split saying he was going to kill her.

They quickly escalated from angry messages over a matter of days and lead to the terrified 27-year-old phoning police when she saw liquid coming through her front door.

Rhinds was caught at the scene with a lighter and rag and had written the words ‘Sara Harty s**t’ on the close wall at her Ruchazie flat in the East End.

He pleaded guilty at Glasgow Sheriff Court to stalking Miss Harty between April 2 and 5, 2016, and was yesterday jailed for 12 months.

Sheriff Alan MacKenzie said he considered the justice system would be “failing the victim of this crime” if custody wasn’t the punishment.

The court heard that in April the pair separated and Miss Harty received a “large volume of text messages from the accused”.

Procurator fiscal depute Zahra Latif said: “The content of these messages were initially to do with the accused being angry over splitting up but quickly escalated over the following hours and days becoming abusive and threatenin­g.

“The accused sent text messages stating that he was going to kill Miss Harty, that he would throw acid in her face and knee cap her

“The accused also stated via text he was going to stab her in the neck and make her life hell.”

She went to bed and was woken up by her ex-boyfriend knocking on the door, which got increasing­ly louder.

Miss Latif added: “Miss Harty then heard the letterbox being opened and liquid being poured through and on looking observed white liquid coming from he letter box and forming a puddle on the floor.”

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