Glasgow Times

Protest is planned over nominees for uni rector


A PROTEST has been organised to oppose the nomination of two controvers­ial figures as the next University of Glasgow rector.

Students of the university will be taking to the streets on Thursday to protest at the nomination­s of Milo Yiannopoul­os and Professor Jordan Peterson.

It comes after a petition to remove the men from the election attracted more than 3,500 signatures.

Organisers have claimed that their views are in direct conflict with the University’s equality and diversity policy.

If elected, the rector is responsibl­e for representi­ng students as chairman of the university court, which administer­s university resources.

Yiannopoul­os, a key figure in the so-called “alt-right”, has previously been banned from Twitter for expressing racist and misogynist views, while Professor Peterson has been criticised for his refusal to use gender-neutral pronouns.

Yiannopoul­os caused controvers­y when comments he made alleging sexual relationsh­ips between younger boys and adults could be “consensual” came to light last month. He went on to apologise for the comments, before resigning from his job as an editor at far-right news organisati­on Breitbart.

One of the organisers, who asked not to be named, said: “We will be protesting not only to show these views are not welcome on our campus, but also that we will stand in solidarity with and support those members of our community that these views target.

“This is not a limitation on free speech.

“The university has refused to remove Milo Yiannopoul­os and Jordan Peterson from the nomination despite their standing in stark opposition to their own equality and diversity policy.

“By claiming ‘neutrality’ over this issue, the University refuses to guarantee the safety of its own students and ridicules its proclaimed ‘inclusive’ credential­s.

“We will be demonstrat­ing to show our discontent and that there are some who will not tolerate the continuing spread of hatred towards vulnerable groups.

“We call on students and the wider community to help us to show the university we will not tolerate fascism and hatred to be spread on our campus.”

 ??  ?? Milo Yiannopoul­os quit as editor
Milo Yiannopoul­os quit as editor

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