Glasgow Times


Defence: they were already a bit shoogly


AWOMAN who got caught in the crossfire of a bust-up in a West End pub ended up losing her teeth, a court has heard.

A WOMAN who got caught in the crossfire of a bust-up in a West End pub ended up losing her teeth, a court has heard.

Ross Martin McFayden, 37, culpably and recklessly struck the woman on the face to her injury during an argument at McNabbs public house on Dumbarton Road.

The incident took place on September 3, 2015, and McFayden was in the dock at Glasgow Sheriff Court for sentencing.

He also admitted assaulting a man by repeatedly punching him in the head.

The court heard that an argument had taken place inside the pub premises.

McFayden was asked by the man if he was trying to noise him up.

McFayden then extended his hand to shake his victim’s.

And when his victim refused, he responded by punching him.

The court heard the woman who got caught up in the ruckus lost five teeth during the clash.

McFayden’s defence agent said the woman revealed that the teeth were faulty anyway when she appeared at a previous court appearance.

He said: “The teeth referred to were faulty and loose, and were going to be subject to dental treatment.”

He added that the woman got her teeth replaced and she regretted her involvemen­t in the incident, as she had been drinking a lot.

His defence agent explained that when McFayden left the pub voluntary after the fight, he went outside and apologised to the woman who he has known for a number of years. McFayden’s defence agent said his client had been left ex- tremely upset and embarrasse­d about the incident.

The court heard that McFayden himself had been the victim of a serious assault before.

The court also heard that there had been provocatio­n in the incident from the man who was punched.

Sentencing Sheriff Neil J MacKinnon ordered McFayden to do unpaid work in the community.

McFayden, of Earl Street, Glasgow, will complete 225 hours of unpaid work in the community within a period of six months.

 ??  ?? The incident happened in McNabbs on Dumbarton Road, on Thursday September 3, 2015 Picture: Google
The incident happened in McNabbs on Dumbarton Road, on Thursday September 3, 2015 Picture: Google

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